Experiential events are the future. Marketers, event planners, and social media experts aim to create unforgettable experiences for their audiences. Digital technology and real-life interactions are changing the way we connect.

Social walls are transforming the event industry. With platforms like Walls.io, these engaging displays turn passive spectators into active participants. They turn gatherings into immersive, unforgettable brand experiences.

Table of Contents

What are experiential events?

Experiential events are immersive, interactive gatherings that engage attendees on multiple sensory levels. They go beyond traditional marketing tactics by offering hands-on, memorable experiences that allow participants to connect with a brand tangibly. Whether it’s a product launch, a corporate event, a graduation ceremony, or a community gathering, an experiential event aims to create a lasting impression that strengthens the relationship between the brand and its audience.

Event activation is vital in experiential events because it turns passive participation into active engagement, which makes the experience memorable and impactful for attendees. Traditional marketing often tries to get a message across to many people simultaneously. On the other hand, event activation creates chances for people to get hands-on with a brand or product honestly and tangibly.

Direct engagement helps people connect with a brand on an emotional level, makes them more likely to remember it, and encourages them to talk about it with others. Plus, well-done activations can create content for social media that gets the event noticed beyond where it’s happening in real life. By creating experiences that people find meaningful, event activation gets people interested and loyal to a brand right away and also helps them become brand advocates over time.

Why do experiential events matter?

Experiential events get people more involved by creating memorable, hands-on experiences that they’ll remember long after the event ends. Traditional events often rely on presentations or speeches, but experiential events involve participants in the brand’s world. This lets them experience the brand’s values, culture, and message firsthand.

🤝 Building solid emotional connections

Experiential events help brands and customers form emotional connections. People meaningfully involved with a brand are likelier to develop a lasting connection with it.

📝 Memorable experiences

These events create one-of-a-kind experiences that people will talk about, share on social media, and remember for years. Word-of-mouth marketing is a great way to raise brand awareness.

😊 More engagement

Engagement significantly increases when people are involved in interactive activities at experiential events. When people participate in an event rather than just watching, they become more invested in it and the brand.

🤩 Stand out from the crowd

Experiential events let brands showcase their unique qualities and create an identity that distinguishes them from competitors.

Experiential events ideas using social walls

Learn eight creative ways to use social walls in your events to create memorable experiences. These ideas will help you create experiences that people will want to share, and that will help your brand connect with people meaningfully. Get ready for a fun ride through experiential marketing, event planning, and cutting-edge tech that is changing how brands interact with people. Walls.io is at the forefront of this exciting journey.

Social media mosaic: Create a visual story

Transform your event space into a living, breathing canvas with a social media mosaic. This innovative experiential event concept uses the power of user-generated content to create a stunning visual representation of your brand or event theme.

Here’s how to bring this creative experiential event idea to life:

  • Set up a Walls.io display in a prominent location at your event
  • Create a unique event hashtag and encourage attendees to share photos and videos
  • Use Walls.io’s moderation features to curate the best content in real-time
  • Watch as individual posts come together to form a larger image or message
This image shows a lively outdoor concert scene at the "Kansas City Live!" venue, with a band performing on stage and a crowd of enthusiastic fans watching, while large screens display social media posts and advertisements.
Walls.io social media mosaic displaying attendee posts at the Kansas City Live concert.

This experiential marketing strategy creates a visually striking focal point and encourages active participation, turning attendees into co-creators of the event experience.

Real-time reaction wall: Capture event feedback

Harness the power of immediate feedback with a real-time reaction wall. This experiential event technology allows you to gauge audience sentiment and engagement throughout your event, creating a dynamic feedback loop that can inform your event strategy on the fly.

Here’s how to implement this engaging experiential event concept:

  • Set up multiple social wall displays throughout your event space
  • Create specific hashtags for different aspects of your event (e.g., #KeynoteSpeaker, #ProductDemo)
  • Encourage attendees to share their thoughts, questions, and reactions using these hashtags
  • Allow everyone to like their favorite posts using Walls.io’s Reactions feature.
social media wall screenshot with a highlight on the heart beneath one of the posts which represents the reactions feature
A social wall where you can see Walls.io’s Reactions feature

This interactive experiential marketing approach provides valuable insights for organizers and makes attendees feel heard and valued, enhancing their overall event experience.

Virtual Photo Booth: Unite worldwide audiences

With us all more connected today than ever, why limit your experiential event to one place? With virtual event photo booth technology, you can create a truly global experience that bridges geographical gaps and creates a shared understanding across continents.

Here’s how to execute this immersive experiential event:

  • Set up Walls.io displays at multiple event locations around the world
  • Create a unified hashtag for the global event (e.g., #GlobalBrandSummit2024)
  • Encourage participants from different locations to share their local experiences
  • Display posts from all locations on each social wall, creating a real-time global connection
A virtual photo booth social wall with an attendee adding a photo to the collection

This experiential event marketing setup showcases the power of technology in bringing people together, fostering a sense of global community that aligns perfectly with international brands or causes.

AR scavenger hunt: Merge digital and physical experiences

Take your experiential event to the next level by incorporating augmented reality into a social media-driven scavenger hunt. This cutting-edge experiential event strategy combines the thrill of discovery with social sharing engagement.

Here’s how to create this innovative experiential event:

  • Develop AR markers or QR codes that reveal clues or challenges when scanned
  • Place these markers strategically around your event space
  • Use Walls.io to collect and display real-time updates of completed challenges and found items
  • Encourage participants to share their discoveries and progress using a specific hashtag

This blend of experiential event technology and gamification entertains and encourages exploration of your entire event space, ensuring every corner is noticed.

Live poll visualization: Engage through interactive data

With a live poll visualizer, transform dry data into a visually stunning, interactive experience. This experiential event concept turns audience opinions and feedback into dynamic, evolving art pieces that capture the collective voice of your attendees.

Here’s how to implement this creative experiential event idea:

  • Craft a series of polls or questions that resonate with your event or brand’s theme.
  • Utilize Walls.io to showcase poll questions and display real-time results.
  • Drive participation by promoting a dedicated voting hashtag.
  • Translate poll outcomes into visual representations, such as blossoming trees or filling water droplets. 
This image is a montage displaying various scenes and promotional graphics from the NAMM Show, including interactions at booths, social media posts, an attendee survey on show frequency, and advertisement for upcoming panels and products.
A Walls.io social wall including a live poll for the attendees of The NAMM Show event

This experiential marketing strategy gathers valuable insights and creates a visually engaging focal point that evolves throughout your event.

⭐Related: Interactive Live Polling: 6 Ways to Drive Engagement

Event time capsule: Preserve memorable moments

Create a memento of your event that will last long after the last attendee has left. A social media time capsule is a great way to capture the energy and excitement of your event in a format that can be revisited and shared long after the event is over.

Here’s how to bring this experiential event experience to life:

  • Establish a dedicated Walls.io display for collecting time capsule contributions.
  • Encourage attendees to share their cherished moments, insights, and future predictions.
  • Utilize Walls.io’s curation tools to highlight the most impactful submissions.
  • Compile the selected posts into a digital time capsule to be unveiled at a future event. This experiential marketing campaign not only prolongs the lifespan of your event but also builds anticipation for upcoming gatherings, fostering a sense of continuity and community.

This experiential marketing campaign extends the life of your event and creates anticipation for future gatherings, fostering a sense of continuity and community.

Influencer showcase: Amplify event reach

With an influencer amplifier wall, maximize influencer marketing at your experiential event. This strategy turns your event’s most active social media users into brand ambassadors, reaching a wider audience than the event itself.

Here’s how to implement this experiential event engagement tactic:

  • Identify relevant influencers or high-profile attendees.
  • Showcase their posts on a Walls.io display.
  • Provide exclusive content for influencers to share.
  • Encourage attendees to engage with and share influencer content. This strategy boosts social media presence and creates FOMO (fear of missing out), driving future event attendance.

Showcase influencer content with Walls.io and get attendees to engage.

Try it for free

This experiential marketing strategy is a great way to get people talking about your event on social media. It also makes people feel like they can take advantage of the next one, which can help you get more people through the door.

⭐Related: Learn How to Harness the Power of UGC Creator Marketing

Brand story display: Showcase your journey

Turn your brand’s story into a visually stunning, interactive experience with a brand story display. This experiential event concept uses social media posts to create a patchwork of brand moments, milestones, and customer experiences.

Here’s how to create this immersive experiential event:

  • Use Walls.io to create a grid-like display representing different aspects of your brand
  • Encourage attendees to share posts that align with specific brand themes or values
  • Curate submissions in real-time to fill in the “quilt” squares
  • Watch as your brand story comes to life through the collective experiences of your audience
An experiantial events setup example. The image shows a digital screen at a trade show displaying a social media feed with the hashtag #VIVASNCF. The screen highlights various tweets related to SNCF (the French National Railway Company), focusing on their participation in the event, showcasing different activities, innovations, and interactions at the trade show. The background includes structural elements of the trade show venue, and there are signs related to transportation, such as "Suburban lines" and "BUS," suggesting SNCF's relevance in the context. Several people are gathered near the screen, engaged in conversation or exploring the trade show, reflecting a lively and interactive atmosphere.
A brand story display by SNCF (the French National Railway Company)

This brand activation is about showing your company’s journey and how your customers and employees are helping shape your brand narrative.

⭐Related: Creative Social Media Display Ideas

Conclusion: Elevate Your Experiential Events with Social Walls

When it comes to experiential events, social walls are a total game-changer. They’re revolutionizing the way we engage with our audiences. With Walls.io, your events go from ordinary to extraordinary. They become dynamic, immersive experiences that captivate and connect with attendees on a deeper level. Embrace the power of social walls to transform your gatherings into unforgettable moments that resonate long after the event concludes.

Social walls are an excellent tool for experiential marketing. Use Walls.io to create an unforgettable experience that will leave a lasting impression on your audience. Revolutionize your approach to experiential events with social walls and watch your brand become the talk of the industry.

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