You’re familiar with common SEO tactics for improving search visibility, such as writing quality content and building backlinks from high-DA sites. But did you know that a social media aggregator can also help you earn more SERP real estate for keywords?
In this article, we’ll examine how social media aggregators can improve your website’s visibility in search results and other benefits of social media for SEO.
How Social Media Aggregators Boost SEO
Social media aggregators allow you to embed all kinds of social media content onto your website. For instance, you can showcase and embed Instagram reels with an Instagram feed plugin. You can also use a comprehensive aggregator like Juicer to curate content from a range of different channels into a beautiful social media wall.
Adding a social media feed to your website will:
1. Boost content freshness
As users post new content on social media platforms using specific hashtags or handles associated with an event, campaign, or brand, the social media wall updates in real time. This ensures that the content displayed on your website is always fresh and current.
Search engines like Google prioritize recent, relevant content in their search results. When you consistently add new content to your site, Google is likely to crawl your site more frequently to index the new content. This increased crawling can help new pages get discovered more quickly and improve the indexing of your entire site.
2. Increase time on page
Adding a social media wall to your website via an aggregator creates a more engaging, interactive, and visually appealing environment that encourages visitors to spend more time on your site.
A longer time on the page is often interpreted as a sign that the content is relevant and valuable to visitors, indicating a positive user experience. Google aims to deliver the most relevant results to users, so websites providing valuable content that keeps users engaged tend to be rewarded with better rankings.
3. Demonstrate credibility
With a social media aggregator, you can easily showcase customer reviews, user-generated content, and testimonials you’ve collected for your brand. This gives your site an excellent level of social proof and increases your chances of conversions. Plus, it gives your site more authority for EEAT.

Other Ways Social Media Impacts Search Performance
While Google argues that social media isn’t a direct ranking factor for websites, it’s obvious that a strong social media presence across multiple channels will increase your chances of being found on the search engines. Here are four ways social media performance influences SERP results.
1. Content discovery
About 72.8% of internet users use social media for brand research, making it a key channel for content discovery.
When customers search for your products, brand name, and even keywords related to your company, it’s important to ensure you’re taking up as much “SERP” real estate as possible.
If a search for “” or “Social media aggregator” brings up your website, LinkedIn profile, Instagram account, and TikTok channel, you have more opportunities to earn traffic.
2. Backlink building
A strong social media presence can also help you earn backlinks for high-authority sites. Backlinks are one of the quality signals Google uses to rank content. Studies show that there’s a significant correlation between organic search rankings and the number of external backlinks your pages have.
When you have your own social profiles, you can include links to your website in your bios or share website content directly. It’s not just the links in your social bios that count. Partnering with influencers and other thought leaders who also promote your company and share links on social media impacts your SERP rankings, too.
3. Brand mentions
Social media is a great way to connect with potential customers and build awareness through brand mentions.
Engaging with social platforms through content sharing, contests, and the like gets people talking. This is great because the more people talk about your brand, the more others will want to check it out.
Brand mentions are important for SEO because they signal to search engines that your website is credible, authoritative, and trustworthy. This boosts your EEAT score, increasing your chances of ranking high in search results.
4. Increased Website Traffic
Perhaps the most obvious way that your social media performance impacts your SERP visibility is by boosting traffic. Social media is an excellent way to drive traffic back to your website whenever you share links to your latest blogs and articles. You can even share links to your website in your bio to attract followers to your site.
Increased traffic on your website is important for optimizing conversion rates. It can also influence how consumers and search engines see your brand. If Google sees your site getting significant amounts of traffic, it will be more likely to view your business as an authority with excellent content to offer. This means it will prioritize your brand in the SERPs.
If your website delivers amazing content, reducing bounce rates, and keeping customers on your site for longer, your SERP visibility will continue to grow.
Use to Boost Your Search Visibility
Showcasing social content on your website with a social media aggregator is an excellent way to boost your SEO and ranking potential. It enhances user experiences, demonstrates authority, and increases engagement.
Contact the team to learn more about our social media aggregator, or start a free trial here.