In this chapter, we will look at how to pick the best layout for your event feed.

If you are using the Free version of Event Feed for Eventbrite, at the moment, you can choose from the List and Widget layout. Premium users can use two additional layouts – Grid and Cards.

List layout#

List layout is a basic layout that you can use at any place on your website where you have enough horizontal space. Although if you have a full-width area, Grid or Cards layout could be a better option for their ability to display more than one event per row.

Widget layout is optimized for a sidebar or any place on your website with limited horizontal space but enough vertical space. You can also use it if you prefer to display the event image above the event details instead of next to each other (like in List layout).

Grid layout#

The Grid layout can fit any place on your website thanks to its high flexibility. You can use it in full-width areas, areas with limited horizontal space, as well as in the sidebar. In addition, you can adjust the number of columns depending on the window’s width. With these responsive settings, your events will look great on laptops, computers, and mobile devices. Grid is the perfect option if your website has a white background – if you are using another color, look at the Cards layout.

Cards layout#

Similar to the Grid layout, Cards layout is highly flexible due to its responsive settings. When correctly set up, it easily fits any area on your website. The advantage of this layout is that if your page has a different than a white background, your event cards will stand out (because of the cards’ white background and the subtle shadow around them). This contrast allows your events to be even more attractive and appealing to your visitors.

In the next chapter, we will take a look at responsive settings.

Last updated on October 17, 2021

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